The government introduced the Employee Retention Tax Credit as a COVID-19 relief measure in 2020. The credit rewards employers for keeping employees on their payroll during COVID-19, and businesses can file retroactively through April 2025.

Don’t file for the ERTC alone. The process is complex, and errors could lead to financial losses. One way to avoid this is through an ERTC tax attorney opinion letter. While all employers should consider having an opinion letter, this especially benefits businesses with complex tax situations. This letter helps validate your claims and maximize your benefits.

What Is an Opinion Letter?

An opinion letter is a legal document that attorneys provide to clients. It includes legal advice regarding a particular issue, in this case, the ERTC. This letter helps you verify that your claims are accurate and complete. Without a letter, you risk making costly mistakes. 

A tax attorney will ensure that you are eligible for the ERTC, that you only claim eligible wages, and that you take all required steps to collect maximum ERTC benefits for your business. 

Benefits of Having an Opinion Letter for Your ERTC Claim

Having an ERTC tax attorney opinion letter has several benefits. 

Increased Chances of Success

Claiming the ERTC on your own puts you at risk of making errors. If you don’t file the ERTC correctly, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could deny your claim. For example, if you misunderstand eligibility criteria, you may claim the wrong wages. 

Reduced Risk of an Audit

When you claim the ERTC incorrectly, you may be subject to IRS audits. These are time-consuming and high-stress procedures that can lead to fines. If you are randomly chosen for an audit, you’ll have more peace of mind if you have an opinion letter. Such a document increases the likelihood of passing the audit without any problems. 

Potential Tax Savings 

Only a tax attorney will know how to maximize your tax benefits. Applying incorrectly could mean missing out on the full amount of credits available to you. 

Who Should Consider Having an Opinion Letter?

Anyone claiming the ERTC can benefit from having an opinion letter. However, you might particularly benefit from having an ERTC tax attorney opinion letter if you: 

  • Have a complex tax situation
  • Have a history with IRS audits
  • Are uncertain about your eligibility for the ERTC 
  • Want to maximize your tax benefits 

Working with a tax attorney like the professionals here at Dayes Law Firm will help you navigate the complexities of your tax situation, prepare for audits, verify your eligibility, and maximize your benefits. 

How To Choose a Qualified Tax Attorney To Write Your Opinion Letter

When seeking an ERTC tax attorney opinion letter, you can’t ask just any tax attorney to write one. Since the ERTC is still a fairly new credit, some tax attorneys may not have the necessary experience to write a reliable opinion letter.

To choose the right tax attorney, ensure they have experience with the ERTC, excellent client reviews, and great customer service. When speaking with potential attorneys, ask questions to ensure your letter will be personalized and dependable. 

Seek an ERTC Tax Attorney Opinion Letter With Dayes Law Firm

An ERTC tax attorney opinion letter will increase your chances of success, reduce risk, and maximize your tax benefits. Work with a law firm you can trust, and seek an opinion letter with our team at Dayes Law Firm. We have extensive experience with the ERTC, helping businesses file for over $250 million in ERTC credits. We can help you through this process, too. 

Give us a call at (800) 503-2000 or fill out our online form to schedule your free consultation.