Lymphoma is a cancer that forms in the cells of your immune system, which fights infections in your body. These cancerous cells are often found in the spleen, bone marrow and lymph nodes.

Lymphoma, like other types of cancer, can be a debilitating condition that causes swollen glands, fatigue and shortness of breath. Individuals with this condition may find it difficult or impossible to continue working to support themselves.

Fortunately, you may be able to file a claim with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to obtain disability benefits. The reputable Phoenix Social Security Disability lawyers at Dayes Law Firm PC can guide you through every step of the process, fighting for the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free legal consultation today.

Blue Book Listing for Lymphoma

The SSA has something called a blue book that lists numerous conditions that may qualify for benefits, including different types of lymphoma. If you can prove your condition meets the criteria in the Blue Book listing, you may be able to obtain disability benefits.

The Blue Book listing for lymphoma lists five different types of lymphoma that qualify for disability benefits, including:

  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma – This includes aggressive lymphoma and indolent lymphoma. Aggressive lymphoma also includes diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Your condition must be persistent or recurring after your initial anticancer therapy. Indolent lymphoma can include mycosis fungoides and follicular small cleaved cell. The condition must require more than one anticancer treatment regimen over a one-year period.
  • Hodgkin lymphoma – You must prove there has been a failure to achieve complete remission or you have had recurrent lymphoma within 12 months of completing anticancer therapy.
  • Lymphoma with bone marrow or stem cell transplantation –  If you qualify for benefits you will be considered disabled until at least 12 months from the date you received the transplant.
  • Mantle cell lymphoma – This is a condition that occurs when the body produces abnormal B-cells, which are white blood cells that fight infections.
  • T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma – This is in the Blue Book under types of leukemia. This condition may qualify for benefits at any point within 24 months from the date of diagnosis or relapse or 12 months from the date of a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, whichever date is later.

Compassionate Allowances

If you have mantle cell lymphoma or MCL, it is possible to qualify for a compassionate allowance. This allows you to bypass most of the process for disability claims. The SSA considers this type of lymphoma so serious that applicants can qualify for monetary benefits without the complicated process of testing or additional questioning. Approval for a compassionate allowance usually takes less than a month.

You will still need to provide evidence of your diagnosis to be approved, so it is important to work with a trusted attorney who knows how to gather relevant evidence.

Medical-Vocational Allowance

If your condition does not meet the blue book criteria, you can apply for a medical-vocational allowance. You must prove you can no longer do your most recent job or any other type of work.

The SSA will evaluate your physical and mental abilities, along with age, education, work history and job skills to determine if you will receive an allowance. The SSA does this by having applicants complete a Residual Functional Capacity assessment.

Contact a Trusted Attorney Today

If you have lymphoma, contact the skilled legal team at Dayes Law Firm PC to discuss your situation in a free, no obligation legal consultation.

We can determine if you may qualify for benefits and guide you through the legal process. If your initial application is denied, we can help with every stage of the appeals process. We work on a contingency fee basis and only get paid if your claim is approved.

Fill out a Free Case Evaluation form today.
