It’s safe to say that most business owners know to look for tax credits to help their businesses succeed and improve their financial situation. But with everything else business owners have to do, it may seem like a daunting task to add to an already long list of tasks to discern how to ensure ERC tax credit qualification. In these cases, getting help from an accountant or other tax professional may be preferable. A skilled law firm, like the team at Dayes Law Firm, might be able to help you with ERC tax credit application assistance. 

What is the ERC?

The ERC is a fully refundable payroll tax credit that was created as part of the CARES Act. It rewards businesses that experienced significant setbacks during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and continued to employ W2 staff. 

Your business could be eligible to receive an ERC refund if it suffered losses and faced government restrictions during the pandemic.

ERC Qualifications 

You may qualify to apply for the ERC if your business operations were fully or partially shut down during a certain period of the pandemic OR you had to enforce reduced business hours because of governmental authority. Additionally, if your business suffered a significant decline in quarterly gross revenue during a specific time period, it’s possible you can submit an ERC tax credit application. 

Generally, the losses needed to occur during specific quarters of 2020 and 2021, and the business needed to experience at least a 50 percent revenue decline from 2019 to 2020 or at least a 20 percent decline from 2019 to 2021. But the specifics can get tricky, which is why you might want to seek the assistance of ERC experts like the ones on the Dayes Law Firm team.

Getting Assistance from Dayes Law Firm ERC Specialists

To find out whether or not your business qualifies to apply for the Employee Retention Tax Credit, we highly recommend getting ERC specialists involved to help with your ERC tax credit application.

At Dayes, the ERC experts can determine if your business is eligible for the tax credit and file the appropriate amended quarterly payroll tax returns on your behalf to claim your funds. Our team of experienced tax attorneys has already helped many business owners apply for the refunds they’re entitled to through this program, and we can offer ERC tax credit application assistance to you and your business, too. 

Our team has a demonstrated record of success when it comes to managing ERC applications for businesses, and we partner with CPAs, accounting firms, payroll companies, law firms, and more on ERC matters.

Please contact us for a free consultation regarding any of your Employee Retention Tax Credit questions. Our expert ERC team can discuss your options with you, and you are under no obligation to work with us after the initial evaluation. 

Call us today for your free consultation, and let the ERC tax credit application experts at Dayes Law Firm help you get the tax credit funds that your business is entitled to receive.