May is High Blood Pressure Awareness Month, which provides an opportunity to learn more about this condition and how it affects patients and their ability to maintain work.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when the force of blood against the artery wall is too high. Hypertension occurs when blood pressure is above 140/90. A condition is considered severe if it is above 180/120.

If left untreated, hypertension can cause serious health conditions including stroke and heart disease. It can also affect the brain, eyes and kidneys while contributing to diseases like congestive heart failure, blindness and dementia.

Disability for High Blood Pressure

Although there is no specific listing for high blood pressure in the Social Security Administration’s Listing of Impairments, you may be able to get disability if damage caused by hypertension qualifies under another listing. For example:

  • Certain patients may have damage that impacts the right side of their heart, and these cardiovascular issues are listed under Cor Pulmonale Secondary to Chronic Pulmonary Vascular Hypertension.
  • If hypertension has caused blindness or low vision, your hypertension impairment may be assessed under these conditions.
  • Those who have suffered a stroke may be analyzed under the disability listing for Central Nervous System Vascular Accidents.

If you are not considered disabled according to the Listing of Impairments, The Social Security Administration (SSA) will determine your residual functional capacity (RFC). Based on medical documentation, medical opinions, your own statement, and the statements of family and friends, the SSA will identify what type of work you can do such as sedentary, medium or heavy work.

The level of your limitations in coordination with a number of other considerations and the work that is available will determine if you qualify for disability for high blood pressure.

If you have been denied disability benefits or are having trouble getting the benefits you need, contact an experienced Social Security disability lawyer at Dayes Law Firm PC today for a free consultation to review your legal options.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form or call 1-800-503-2000.
