When applying for disability help, you will be working with a great deal of information.

You will have your personal documents that need to be submitted, forms that need to be filled out, and deadlines which must be met.

If your application for Social Security Disability benefits was denied, our disability benefits lawyers in Phoenix can work with you to compile a strong appeal to help you get the benefits you need.

Call 1-800-503-2000 to speak with a representative today.

To make the application process run smoothly, it helps to be organized.

Make note of all dates and deadlines involving your disability application

It is wise to keep a calendar of important dates when you begin your disability application this will help you know the schedule of what you can expect and so you do not miss important dates. Note when you first made contact with the Social Security Administration (SSA). As you move forward, mark when your application was submitted as well as the date you should be given a decision. If you have doctors appointments during the waiting period, keep track of them too. If you must submit any additional paperwork for your application, write down what was sent and when. If you hear that your claim was denied, it is crucial that you know the deadline to file an appeal.

Complete all disability forms correctly

When applying for disability benefits, the smallest error on your forms can lead to a denial of your disability benefits. It is essential that you fill out all forms correctly and answer all questions honestly. Disability forms can be tedious to fill out and you may need clarification to properly answer some questions. Enlisting the assistance of a disability lawyer will help ensure that you understand all questions, and that all the necessary forms are completed for your application.

Organize your documents

It is best to keep all documents associated with your disability application organized. If one of your documents gets lost by the SSA during application review, it wouldn’t be the first time. You should always keep a copy of every document associated with your disability status; never submit your only copy. With your important documents on hand and well organized, you’ll be able to navigate any issues with your application caused by missing or lost documents.

Get Help Appealing a Denied Claim

If you or someone you love is struggling to get the help they need from the government, our disability benefits lawyers can help appeal a denied claim and get you the benefits you deserve.

To learn more about how we can help your appeal, complete a Free Case Evaluation form.
