Many people applying for Social Security Disability benefits suffer from multiple disabilities. Although one condition on its own may not qualify as a severe impairment, when paired with other conditions, it may be debilitating and prevent you from working. This is why the Social Security Administration (SSA) must consider all of your impairments when deciding if you qualify for disability benefits.

A Phoenix Social Security Disability lawyer at Dayes Law Firm PC can help you get disability benefits for multiple conditions. If you have been denied benefits, we will guide you through the appeals process.

It is important that you list all of your medical conditions, even those that seem minor, when trying to get disability benefits for multiple conditions. During its five step assessment process, the SSA will evaluate your conditions. Here are the five steps:

Ability to Work The Social Security Administration will evaluate your ability to perform substantial gainful activity and whether your earnings are more than $1,090 per month.

Non-severe and Severe Impairments If you are unable to perform gainful work, the SSA will assess your medical documentation. It is essential that you have your physician clearly state even minor conditions so that the SSA has all of the evidence it needs to make a comprehensive assessment.

Severe impairment means that your abilities to conduct mental and physical work duties like bending, lifting and following directions are severely limited because of your medical condition.

Blue Book Impairment Listings If you have a severe combination of impairments, along with not earning gainful employment, the SSA determines if your condition fulfills its Blue Book criteria. With your disability lawyer, you can show that you are eligible for SSD benefits because your medical condition equals a Blue Book listing.

Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) Your RFC is the maximum work you can perform despite your conditions symptoms. It includes determining whether you can do the work of prior jobs or any other jobs. Environmental conditions like an inability to be around fumes or deal with extreme temperatures could be part of your RFC.

By step five, if your medical constraints are so limiting that you cannot work full-time, you could meet the SSA’s disability definition.

Call 1-800-503-2000 to schedule your free consultation right away.
