If your child has cystic fibrosis, you will need to show documented evidence to receive Social Security disability benefits. Eligibility entails certain steps. If your child qualifies, you may receive Supplemental Security Income a needs based program.

A disabling disorder in later stages, Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited disease. It is challenging for the body to move salt and water back and forth from cells. Thick mucus builds up, often causing digestive and respiratory issues.

Symptoms include twisting of the small bowel, wheezing, lung damage, diabetes, gallstones, liver disease and more. It is commonly diagnosed by a sweat test that measures how much sodium and chloride is in sweat. Genetic testing may be done as well.

The first step is figuring out whether income guidelines are met for Supplemental Security Income, a program that helps children whose resources and household income is low.

After income eligibility is determined, Social Security evaluates if your child’s impairment severely affects normal childhood activities. A severe impairment typically includes a child who is underweight, has a weak immune system and is prone to infections. The condition must be anticipated to last 12 months or end in death.

If your child meets the medical criteria spelled out in Social Security’s Listing of Impairments, your child will receive disability benefits.

Children who do not meet the criteria may still receive benefits due to their limitations. Social Security will examine your child’s domains of functioning, such as how they are able to care for themselves and complete tasks.

Frequent trips to emergency rooms, infections and difficulty with tasks can take a toll on your child. These issues should be documented by your child’s school, rehabilitation therapists and doctor. It could assist in obtaining disability benefits.

If your claim for disability benefits for a child with cystic fibrosis has been denied, contact the experienced Phoenix disability benefits lawyers at Dayes Law Firm PC today for help appealing the claim.

Call 1-800-503-2000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form today.
