Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that typically causes an itchy rash and swollen, reddened skin. There are different types of dermatitis, and this condition can range in severity, with some people having dry, cracked skin and others suffering severe itching and oozing and crusting bumps and blisters.

These symptoms and other complications from this condition can make each day very painful and difficult to get through. This is especially true when children are suffering from dermatitis.

If your child has dermatitis, he or she may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. The trusted Phoenix Social Security disability lawyers at Dayes Law Firm PC can assist with every aspect of your claim. Contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation review of your case.

How Dermatitis Is Evaluated

When you apply for benefits for childhood dermatitis, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will assess whether your son or daughter’s symptoms meet the criteria in the SSA’s Blue Book listing. The listing says the child must have extensive skin lesions that have persisted for at least three months despite continuing treatment prescribed by a doctor. If you can provide medical evidence showing that your child’s lesions meet these criteria, he or she may qualify for benefits.

The SSA considers four factors when determining if a claim meets the criteria in the Blue Book listing:

Extensive Skin Lesions

The SSA assesses whether skin lesions cause a very serious limitation, which could include:

  • Interfering with joint motion or the ability to move one or more arms or legs
  • Lesions on the palms of your hands that seriously limit your ability to perform fine and gross motor activities
  • Lesions on the soles of your feet, both inguinal areas and the perineum that very seriously limit your ability to move

Frequency of Flare-Ups

The SSA will also review the frequency of your flare-ups, how quickly they resolve and how you are able to function during flare-ups. If the SSA finds that you have frequent flare-ups, you may be more likely to be awarded benefits. You could be approved even if you have frequent flare-ups and your condition is sometimes in remission.

How Symptoms Limit the Claimant

The types of symptoms and the impact of those symptoms will also be considered. This includes any pain you suffer because of your dermatitis.

Extent of Treatment and its Effects

The SSA also considers the effects of treatment on the duration and severity of your dermatitis. This includes the effects of medication, therapy and surgery. For example, your condition might be considered more severe if it is resistant to treatment. The SSA will also determine if your treatment has caused other side effects.

What If My Child’s Condition Does Not Meet the Listing?

For adult cases, if a claimant does not meet the criteria in the Blue Book listing, the SSA will determine whether the disability prevents the individual from working. However, with children applicants, the SSA looks at how a child’s functional abilities are limited by his or her condition.

If the child has severe limitations in at least two domains of functioning or an extreme limitation in one domain of functioning, he or she may still qualify for benefits. An extreme limitation is defined as one that seriously interferes with a child’s ability to function in that domain.

The six domains of functioning include:

  • Acquiring and using information
  • Health and physical well-being
  • Attending to and completing tasks
  • Moving around and manipulating objects
  • Interacting with others
  • Caring for yourself

Schedule a Free Legal Consultation Today

If you think that your child may qualify for disability benefits, contact the experienced Social Security disability attorneys at Dayes Law Firm PC. We can manage every aspect of your claim, aggressively pursuing all the benefits you deserve.

At Dayes Law Firm PC, we charge no upfront fees. We are only paid for our services if your claim is approved.

Call us today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about the application process and see if your child may be eligible for benefits.

Call 1-800-503-2000 right now.