If you are a business owner and haven’t yet applied for the Employee Retention Tax Credit even though you might be eligible to do so, time is running out to do so as ERTC deadlines loom. If you’re hesitant because you’re unsure of getting all of the documentation correct and completing the process accurately, you might want to consider professional assistance to get your ERTC application in sooner rather than later. 

Working with tax experts for the Employee Retention Tax Credit might be in the best interest of your business if recent news of the IRS cracking down on ERTC compliance has made you nervous. An ERTC specialist like the ones at Dayes Law Firm may be able to assist with your claim process from start to finish and take away some of the stress around applying for this important tax credit before it’s too late. 

Working with Tax Experts to Complete the ERTC

Employers that experienced either a full or partial suspension of operations for their business during certain tax quarters in 2020 and 2021 due to government orders as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, or businesses that had a significant drop in gross receipts compared to 2019, may be qualified to apply for the ERTC. 

The Employee Retention Tax Credit is a fully refundable payroll tax credit many business owners are eligible to claim, which makes it an attractive program to employers that might still be struggling even after the first years of the pandemic which proved to be financially difficult for many businesses. But it’s not as easy as clicking a button and getting free money – there is an application process involved that may seem intimidating to some small business owners.

But tax specialists can evaluate your claim and make sure every piece of documentation sent to the IRS is correct. They can work out the refund amount due to your business and verify that information with the team and resources they already have at hand as tax professionals. 

Plus – and this is particularly important given the recent news that the IRS is closely evaluating ERTC claims for potential fraud – a tax specialist can offer assistance with ERTC application-related complications like audits. 

At Dayes Law Firm, for instance, we are committed to defending our ERTC work at no extra charge. We can guarantee a defense for the businesses we help in applying for the Employee Retention Tax Credit with any possible audits – or if there is unfortunately any request from the IRS for an audit into your ERTC claim in the future.

Call Dayes Law Firm for Professional ERTC Assistance 

While we are confident in our work and don’t believe an audit of your Employee Retention Tax Credit claim will be a concern, the team at Dayes Law Firm is prepared to deal with any sort of IRS complications if you work with us on your ERTC application. 

That’s just one of the many reasons you should consider working with our tax experts for any of your Employee Retention Tax Credit needs. Our ERTC team has helped businesses with filing for over $250 million in these tax credit claims so far, and we can offer you a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss assisting you with your application as well. 

Our fees are contingent upon recovering a refund for your business – meaning you owe us nothing if we do not recover an ERTC refund for you. Please contact us to discuss your situation and the specific needs of your business, and see how you can best leverage our proven professional assistance to turn in your strongest possible Employee Retention Tax Credit application while the program is still available.