Many businesses have already filed for the Employee Retention Credit (ERTC) to help them financially bounce back following shutdowns and other government restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are the owner of a restaurant that hasn’t yet applied for the tax credit, it may be because you’re not sure if all restaurants even qualify to receive the ERTC.

Restaurant ERTC Eligibility 

If your business experienced fully or partially suspended operations due to government orders or, if your business underwent a significant drop in its gross receipts during a quarter in 2020 or 2021 in comparison to the same quarter in 2019, it may be eligible to claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit. 

Your restaurant must have seen a decline in quarterly gross revenue of at least 50 percent from 2019 to 2020 or at least a 20 percent decline from 2019 to 2021 to potentially qualify to receive the ERTC.

Initially, an employer did not qualify for the ERTC if they claimed a Paycheck Protection Program loan as well, but this is no longer true. So if you had concerns about applying because your restaurant already got a PPP loan, no worries – you may still be eligible to claim the ERTC now, before fast-approaching deadlines arrive. 

Qualifying to Receive the ERTC

As long as your restaurant meets specific qualifying criteria to apply for the ERTC, you should be able to at least apply for the credit. Restaurants can claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit just the same as other businesses – as long as they are eligible to do so. 

Restaurants faced unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Supply chain issues limited the food they could offer, and shutdowns made it so customers often couldn’t eat at a restaurant and restaurants had to resort to take-out and delivery to stay open. If your business stayed open and kept employees on payroll in spite of those challenges, you might be able to receive the ERTC. 

Working with an ERTC Team

If you think your restaurant might meet the requirements for the Employee Retention Tax Credit due to shutdowns and other qualifying factors, the team of professional tax attorneys at Dayes Law Firm might be able to help you apply for the credit. 

The Dayes team and our partners can help determine if your business is qualified to receive the ERTC if you haven’t yet applied for it. We can file the appropriate amended quarterly payroll tax returns on behalf of you and your business to claim the funds your company is entitled to, and so you don’t leave money on the table! 

Feel free to contact Dayes Law Firm today to see if your restaurant qualifies to receive the ERTC. We have extensive experience in applying for the Employee Retention Credit and have been involved in filing for more than $250 million in refunds for other companies already. We would love to see if your restaurant qualifies and assist you however we can. 

Please give us a call at 602-888-2900 or fill out the form on this page to get in touch with our team. We can answer all of your ERTC questions and there are no upfront fees and no risk involved in contacting us. 

Dayes Law Firm offers a free consultation, and we are more than happy to help, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance in applying for the ERTC for your restaurant. We look forward to hearing from you!