If your Social Security Disability claim is approved, it means you fit the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) definition of disabled while you waited for a decision. You might be asking yourself if you should be compensated for the months or years you were waiting to be approved for benefits. Fortunately, the SSA awards back pay for applicants who were approved for benefits.

If you are disabled and need support with your claim, it is vital to seek the assistance of a Phoenix Social Security Disability lawyer at Dayes Law Firm. We can explain the waiting period, what back pay is and how much you are entitled to receive.

What is Back Pay?

Back pay is a lump sum payment to cover the time between the date you filed your application and the date the application was approved by the SSA. Once you are approved for benefits, you will begin receiving monthly benefits and will also receive your backpay lump sum.

Back pay is extremely important because many claims could take several months or years to receive approval, particularly if you must appeal because your claim was denied.

Protective Filing Date

If you have a protective filing date, you will receive back pay to cover a period of time before you even filed your disability application. A protective filing date is the date when you made a written statement about your intent to file for benefits. One way to help establish this date is to start filing an online application and get part of the way through the process. People whose benefits stopped and want to reapply will often try to establish a protective filing date.

Retroactive Payments

Back pay may sound the same as retroactive payments, but they are actually two separate things. Retroactive payments can cover up to 12 months before you actually applied for benefits, provided you can prove you were disabled before you applied.

Five-Month Waiting Period

Social Security Disability applicants who are approved for benefits are subject to a five-month waiting period. In other words, you will not receive benefits for the first five months of your established onset date of disability (EOD).

This means you will not receive any back pay if your claim is approved within five months of you applying. If your application is approved within a year, you will receive seven months’ back pay. If it takes two years, you will receive 12 months of back pay. Twelve months’ back pay is the most you can receive.

How are Payments Received?

Back pay, disability benefits and retroactive payments are all made through direct deposit, in most circumstances. You may receive back pay up to 60 days after approval of your application. Back payments are usually completed via a lump sum deposit.

If you are owed more than three times the Supplemental Security Income Federal Benefit, your back pay will be sent out in three installments.

Contact a Lawyer for Assistance Right Now

If you would like assistance with your Social Security Disability claim or appeal, you should contact Dayes Law Firm for assistance. We will review your case thoroughly and determine how much back pay you may receive after benefits start. Our dedicated team is ready to help you through every aspect of your case.

Contact us for a free case evaluation. We charge you nothing unless we win your case, so there is no risk in calling us to determine your legal rights.

Reach out to our firm right away by calling 1-800-503-2000.
