What SSDI or SSI Benefits Am I Eligible For?

There are several differences between SSDI and SSI. While SSDI benefits can be awarded to a person based on their inability to hold gainful employment, SSI is need-based. This means that the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not consider your work history, but instead evaluates your income to determine whether you can receive benefits.

…the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not consider your work history…

SSDI is funded through payroll taxes, so in order to qualify for SSDI you will need to have paid into the Social Security program during your previous employment. To qualify for SSI, a person must have less than $2,000 in assets and make a very limited income.

If your seizures prevent you from working, you could have a claim for either SSDI or SSI, but speaking with a knowledgeable SSDI attorney is the best way to make this determination.

How A Lawyer Can Help With Your Application

Applying for SSDI or SSI can be an overwhelming process for seizure victims. The SSA has extremely stringent parameters to qualify for these benefits, and a single error on your paperwork could mean your claim is denied.

It is important to remember that the appeals process is in place for a reason – just because your initial claim is denied does not mean you will not get the benefits you deserve.

An SSDI or SSI lawyer can make sure it is filed correctly the first time through, or appeal your claim if you have been unfairly denied. Our attorneys understand that SSDI and SSI benefits for seizure victims are very important to the people who cannot work as a result of their condition.

We are prepared to fight for your rights today.

Contact Our Legal Professionals Today

People with seizure disabilities very often need an advocate to ensure they are getting the maximum benefits they deserve due to their condition. Our firm is well acquainted with the procedures of the SSA, and our SSDI attorneys have the skills to fight for your rights when you need it most.

Contact Dayes Law Firm PC, for your free consultation today. There is no obligation and the details of your case are always confidential.

Fill out our online evaluation form or call us at 1-800-503-2000 for the help you deserve today.

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