If you are receiving disability benefits, you will experience a continuing disability review, or redetermination, at some point. These reviews are a common part of the Social Security Disability process and you will want to familiarize yourself with what to expect when you receive notice of a claim review.

For each person who receives either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSdDI) benefits, the Social Security Administration will review your case from time to time. Continuing Disability Review (CDR) is another term for the Social Security Disability Review process.

The goal is to make sure that a recipient’s condition has not improved to the point that they are able to work again and no longer need benefits. It will also evaluate if your condition has worsened since you first started receiving benefits. This process is typically a simpler process than trying to receive benefits initially.

Adult Continuing Disability Reviews

Most adults will go through the review process between three and seven years after first receiving benefits. If your condition is anticipated to improve, you may experience a CDR sooner. However, if your medical condition is a permanent one and is not expected to get better in time, your claim may be looked over less than every seven years. For beneficiaries who are younger than 50, they may go through more frequent CDR’s.

Children Continuing Disability Reviews

When children receiving disability benefits turn 18 years old, their claims will automatically be reviewed through an age 18 redetermination. They will be evaluated under the same standards as adults.

What can trigger a Continuing Disability Review?

There are a variety of reasons why the Social Security Administration may conduct a CDR at any time. The following are some triggers:

  • Your medical documentation shows that your condition has gotten better.
  • You go back to work.
  • There is a new treatment that came out for your condition.
  • You tell the Social Security Administration that your condition is better.
  • Someone else tells the Social Security Administration that your condition is better.

If your claim for Social Security Disability benefits has been denied, contact a Phoenix SSD lawyer at Dayes Law Firm PC today for a free case review and guidance through the appeals process.

Call 1-800-503-2000 to schedule your free consultation right away.
